We only work on projects that deal with these issues :
Reduce mankind's footprint / Restore wilderness / Clean up the oceans / Keep fossil fuels in the ground / Develop fair and ecological food supply.
Upgrade democracy / Improve global market & corporate governance / Demand transparency / Tackle extreme poverty / Share resources fairly / Make education accessible / Promote diversity.
Welcome to the XXIst century. Mankind is global. Planet Earth has limits. As a species, we face unprecedented challenges that consumerism or technocracy alone will not solve.
Global warming, skyrocketing inequalities, massive pollution or hundred flavours of war demand global forward thinking, local action and individual cooperation.
We know that humans don't drink cola by the gallons because it tastes good, nor do they drive cars only because they're faster than flip-flops. Humans do so because "coke is happiness" and "cars look cool". We know that money invested in mass communication & lobbying shape our habits globally.
People have wonderful ideas. Business-as-usual is not enough. We want to invent a brighter future.
Let us spread mind-blowing ideas and positive actions, together. Let us change!
MA in cultural anthropology, marketing professional & perspectivist — Skills : Business development, marketing & communication, ecology and nature conservation — Goal : Protect & restore earth's living ecosystems and wilderness.
Internet pionnier. Open source advocate, entrepreneur — Skills : Software architecture, Open-source project management, all things JVM — Goal : Use the f***ing computing lever.
MA in philosophy, computer geek since 1981, internet profesionnal since 1999 — Skills : Big data, data mining, analytics, strategy, project management — Goal : produce more value than you capture.
MA in philosophy — Skills : User interface design, graphic design, illustration, comics, copywriting — Goal : Work for political empowerment, encourage collective decision making, put political ecology into practice.
MA in graphic design & typography. Multifaceted freelance designer since 2003 — Skills : User experience and webdesign, graphic design, indentity, logos, icons, print — Goal : Developing and empowering meaningful projects, through conscious design.
If you share our vision and have skills or talents to help us, drop us a line at
Drop us a line. We'll get back to you and set up a meeting quickly.
team@unanimous.euWe, Unanimals, only get excited when the projects we support get the attention they deserve. Let us share some of the headlines they made.
L’État fédéral Belge et les trois Régions qui le composent manqueraient t-il à leurs obligations en matière environnementale ?
Fédérés par l'association l'Affaire Climat, plus de 16 800 Belges somment leur État fédéral et ses trois régions de leur offrir un avenir et un environnement plus sain.
Een nieuw jaar, een nieuw begin. Ook voor de Klimaatzaak. Met een nieuwe campagne, nieuwe ambassadeurs en frisse moed grijpen ze 2017 bij de horens.