The mission: Make Some Noise
Make the case "L'Affaire Climat" known in the french-speaking community and grow the citizen base of the movement.
Attitude: Lean Startup Mode
Transparency / Autonomy / Co-Creation / Experiment, Rinse and Repeat
Action plan: Growth Hacking
Make choices, set priorities, define a clear and simple call-to-action. / Translate the discourse into a positive and active language that is adapted to the french-speaking audience. ("Affaire Climat, un procès historique", "11000 citoyens agissent pour le climat", "Chers Ministres, #auboulot!", ...). / Develop a campaign micro-site and go frictionless (pre-stamped paper form, electronic signature, ...). / Activate the social networks and identify existing relays & ambassadors (including press). / Use of digital communication ( and a Facebook video) as an acceleration lever.
Results after 2 weeks: Beyond expectations! 👊
More than 6,000 signed the power of attorney to participate to the the trial as co-plaintiffs. That represents a growth of almost 40%. / The Facebook video was viewed more than 120,000 times. / Excellent Press coverage in the french-speaking media: Radio (La Première, Vivacité, Arabel, ...), TV (BX1), Papers (La Libre, Vers l'Avenir, Paris Match, ...), Blogs (Positiv'r, Colibris, We Demain...). / Recruitment of more than 400 friends of "L'Affaire Climat".
Exceptional fact
This is the first time in the history of Belgium that a power of attorney has been Completed & "Signed" electronically.